Set in a dystopian world, Keopathana tells the story of men and women through images drawn and painted using traditional or digital processes. They feature characters in an urban, industrial environment, with pink, red, green and blue lights that recall the pixel colours of an old television screen. She uses imperfections, glitch effects and imperfect lines, accident as an element of sublimation. Inspired by cinema, music, synthwave and vaporwave, Keopathana’s aesthetic is a cross between retro and futurism.


Keopathana is a french painter who explores a range of visual arts techniques: acrylic paint, watercolour and digital creations. Keopathana has been drawing and painting for over 16 years, starting with a preparatory class for art school entrance exams, followed by several drawing, painting and printmaking workshops at the Maison des arts in Evreux (Normandie) and the ateliers des beaux arts in Paris.


She questions the place of art in tomorrow’s world, with reality and dreams influencing and merging with each other.

Exhibitions :

    • Group exhibition JOMP in Paris, at Le Zèbre de Belleville, March 2022
    • Group exhibition in Osaka (Japan) on the theme “Dark gardian”, April 2022
    • Solo exhibition in Paris on the theme “Retro-Futur”, November 2022
    • Exhibitor at the Puces de l’Illu (at the Campus de la Fonderie, a show that attracted over 5,000 visitors) in December 2022
    • Group exhibition JOMP in Provins, April 2023
    • Exhibition at the Puces de Saint-Ouen, marché Biron, May 2023
    • Group exhibition JOMP in Paris, at L’Impasse, October 2023